[ABAP] ALV에서 로컬 다운로드 시 GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED 오류 발생 How to fix GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED error when you try to download an ALV report as a Local File.

Bathildis 2023. 2. 16. 13:41

ALV Report에서 로컬 파일로 다운로드할 때, 위와 같은 오류가 발생할 때 처리방법

This article is about how to fix GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED error when you try to download an ALV report as a Local File.


ALV의 빈공간에 마우스를 올리고 Shift키를 누른 상태로 마우스 우클릭을 두번 해줍니다.

Put your mouse cursur on the empty side of ALV, double click right button on the mouse while you press shift key at the same time.


어떤 필드가 문제인지 알 수 있습니다. 저의 경우는 금액필드의 CFIELDNAME에 WAERS를 줘놓고 정작 같은 인터널테이블에 WAERS 필드가 없는 것이 문제였습니다.

You can see which field is problem. In my case, I gave CFIELDNAME=WAERS on amount field, but I didn't make WAERS field in my internal table.


인터널 테이블에 WAERS를 주고 다시 로컬 파일 다운로드를 실행해 보겠습니다.

IT_LIST has WAERS field now I should try to download as local file.


에러가 없이 잘 받아집니다.

Happy :D





Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED
Date and Time          2023-02-16 13:15:52

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.                                                       |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "SAPLKKBL" had to be terminated because it has                       |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |

|What can you do?                                                                                  |
|    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                        |
|    administrator.                                                                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                                   |
|    at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                          |
|    keep them for a long time.                                                                    |

|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol                                            |
|    (data segment "-1").                                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    This error may occur if                                                                       |
|    - You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with                                |
|      ASSIGN                                                                                      |
|    - You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an                                   |
|      internal table that was deleted                                                             |
|    - You address a field symbol that was previously reset using                                  |
|      UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no                                           |
|      longer exists                                                                               |
|    - You address a global function interface, although the                                       |
|      respective function module is not active - that is, is                                      |
|      not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls                                   |
|      can be taken from this short dump.                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |

|How to correct the error                                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to                        |
|    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.                                                      |
|    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following                        |
|    keywords:                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                  |
|    "GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED" " "                                                                      |
|    "SAPLKKBL" or "LKKBLF99"                                                                      |
|    "GEN_FIELD_OUT2"                                                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error                            |
|    notification to SAP, include the following information:                                       |
|                                                                                                  |
|    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|       To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File                            |
|    (Unconverted)".                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    2. Corresponding system log                                                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|       Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.                                        |
|       Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes                           |
|    after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File                             |
|    (Unconverted)".                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP                           |
|    program: The source code of the program                                                       |
|       In the editor, choose "Utilities->More                                                     |
|    Utilities->Upload/Download->Download".                                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|    4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which                       |
|    actions and input led to the error.                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |

|User and Transaction                                                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Client.............. 310                                                                      |
|    Language key........ "E"                                                                      |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Program............. "SAPLKKBL"                                                               |
|    Screen.............. "SAPLKKBL 0500"                                                          |
|    Screen line......... 3                                                                        |

|Information on where terminated                                                                   |
|    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLKKBL" - in "GEN_FIELD_OUT2".                    |
|                                                                                                  |
|    In the source code you have the termination point in line 4208                                |
|    of the (Include) program "LKKBLF99".                                                          |

|Source Code Extract                                                                               |
|Line |SourceCde                                                                                   |
| 4178|                   of structure t_outtab to <decimals>.                                     |
| 4179|            gs_fc-decimals_out = <decimals>.                                                |
| 4180|          endif.                                                                            |
| 4181|        endif.                                                                              |
| 4182|                                                                                            |
| 4183|        if not gs_fc-no_sign is initial.                                                    |
| 4184|          if not gs_fc-no_zero is initial or <unit> is initial.                             |
| 4185|            if gs_fc-decimals_out is initial.                                               |
| 4186|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4187|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4188|                                                 no-gap no-sign no-zero.                    |
| 4189|            else.                                                                           |
| 4190|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4191|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4192|                                                 decimals gs_fc-decimals_out                |
| 4193|                                                 no-gap no-sign no-zero.                    |
| 4194|            endif.                                                                          |
| 4195|          else.                                                                             |
| 4196|            if gs_fc-decimals_out is initial.                                               |
| 4197|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4198|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4199|                                                 no-gap no-sign.                            |
| 4200|            else.                                                                           |
| 4201|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4202|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4203|                                                 decimals gs_fc-decimals_out                |
| 4204|                                                 no-gap no-sign.                            |
| 4205|            endif.                                                                          |
| 4206|          endif.                                                                            |
| 4207|        else.                                                                               |
|>>>>>|          if not gs_fc-no_zero is initial or <unit> is initial.                             |
| 4209|            if gs_fc-decimals_out is initial.                                               |
| 4210|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4211|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4212|                                                 no-gap no-zero.                            |
| 4213|            else.                                                                           |
| 4214|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4215|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4216|                                                 decimals gs_fc-decimals_out                |
| 4217|                                                 no-gap no-zero.                            |
| 4218|            endif.                                                                          |
| 4219|          else.                                                                             |
| 4220|            if gs_fc-decimals_out is initial.                                               |
| 4221|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4222|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4223|                                                 no-gap.                                    |
| 4224|            else.                                                                           |
| 4225|              write at (gs_fc-outputlen) <field> currency <unit>                            |
| 4226|                                                 round gs_fc-round                          |
| 4227|                                                 decimals gs_fc-decimals_out                |



